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Latest News from Pastor Phil  


Special Video | Interview with Jonathan Cahn

We are living at a time when it seems rational thinking has taken a vacation in our culture.
Pastor Phil shared a special video on Wednesday Night. An interview with Jonathan Cahn, an American Messianic Jewish minister, author, and novelist known for his debut novel The Harbinger. He recently released a new book entitled, “Return of the Gods.”

You can watch the video HERE.

Jonathan exposes the gods behind current “irrational” events. He contends that behind the mythologies of ancient pagan cultures are real, active spiritual beings, the “principalities and powers.”

Fasting & Prayer Week | 9-26 to 9-30-22

Folks, we will be observing a week of Fasting and Prayer this coming week (September 26th through 30th). We will gather together as a church to lift up prayers for our nation, our fellowship, our families, for the lost. The Lord calls us to pour out our hearts before Him.

We’ll meet each evening at 7 PM for worship and corporate prayer. All midweek studies and gatherings are cancelled. There will be childcare provided on Wednesday night only. For more information about why we fast click HERE.