11. 1 John 2:19 (7-31-19)

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1 John 2:19
Pastor Phil Ballmaier
Pastor Phil as he opens up the new series in the Book of 1 John.
The Book of versus…. Light vs. Dark, True Love vs. False.
Pastor Phil Ballmaier is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel, a non-denominational fellowship located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.
Pastor Phil can be heard on AM1160 Chicago Mon-Fri at 6:00 PM & 4:30 AM, and the Calvary Radio Network, Mon-Fri at 9:00 AM.
We meet at the Jack A. Claes Pavilion at 1000 Wellington Avenue, Elk Grove Village in the Garden Terrace Room. We meet Sundays at 8:30 & 10:30 AM and for Bible Study on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.
May God bless and guide you as you seek to know Him more fully — or meet Him for the first time.
www.ccelkgrove.org www.daybydayradio.org 847-895-3545
