Women’s Christmas Event Media

The 2020 Women’s Christmas Event was a blessing.  We have the audio message for last nights’ event available here, and will post the video as soon as it becomes available.  We apologize for the technical difficulties for the livestream.

Women’s Christmas Event | Reminder

Ladies, be sure to sign-up for the 2020 Calvary Chapel Women’s Christmas Celebration to be held on Sunday, December 6th.


Churchwide Prayer Tonight | 11-16-20

Watch your email, and join us for a church-wide prayer meeting.

2020 Women’s Christmas Celebration | Sign-up Today

Ladies, registration is now open for the 2020 Calvary Chapel Women’s Christmas Celebration.  We will be holding the event at 975 E. Nerge Road, Suite N-140 in Roselle on Sunday, December 6th.  

Click here to register today!