Click here for directions from your location.
Final Balances are due September 15th. 
See the Vacation Bible School archives here!




A Message of Thanksgiving | 2022

Join Pastor Phil for a very special message of Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 27th. 
“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34
The video and audio will be livestreamed, and will later be archived HERE.

Sign Up Today!

2022 Women’s Christmas Dessert | 12-4-22

Sign Up Today!

Ladies, its’ that time again for the upcoming and annual Women’s Christmas Dessert. Held on Sunday, December 4th, we are blessed to have Cyndi Ballmaier as our guest speaker with this years’ theme, “LOVE DIVINE.” 

This is the perfect event to invite out family and friends for a t …


Operation Christmas Child 2022

Make a difference and send the love of Jesus across the world!  Be a part of Samaritan Purse’s Operation Christmas Child program and send a shoebox to a child in a remote village, or someone right here in the States. 

Fill or send your Operation Christmas Child Box today! Shoeboxes are due at church by Sunday, November 20th.

For more information, click HERE.

Upcoming Youth Events | Nov & Dec

Junior High & High School Students | Mark your calendars for the upcoming Youth events.  These will take place on the above dates following 2nd service.
See Pastor Frank for more information.  

We hope you and your friends will attend!


Welcome! Calvary Chapel Elk Grove is a
non-denominational fellowship located
in the northwest suburbs of the Chicago area.
We are a Bible-believing Evangelical fellowship that exists
to bring people into a closer relationship with God.
We believe in a verse-by-verse,
precept upon precept approach to God’s Word.
Our mission, and vision is to proclaim the only true and living hope
that is found in Christ Jesus.
We believe and teach that there is
only one God, one faith and one Savior.