Oct '21
Mark Your Calendars | Harvest Fest 2021
Oct '21
Our annual Harvest Fest is quickly approaching! We cannot wait to come together in fellowship and have an alternative to Halloween. We will be having our festival at the Jumps ‘n Jiggles Room at the Jack Claes Pavilion in Elk Grove, October 31st right after second service beginning at 12:30pm. Click here for more information.
Sep '21
Fasting & Prayer Week | Sept 20-24, 2021
Sep '21
Be sure to mark your calendars for our week of Fasting & Prayer at Calvary Chapel, Sept 20-24th. We’ll meet each evening at 7 PM to come together as a Church, pouring out our hearts before The Lord for our fellowship, our families, our communities, our country, and our world.
The Lord calls us to pray. To lay our burdens before Him in surrender. For more information about fasting and praying, click here.
Welcome! Calvary Chapel Elk Grove is a
non-denominational fellowship located
in the northwest suburbs of the Chicago area.
We are a Bible-believing Evangelical fellowship that exists
to bring people into a closer relationship with God.
We believe in a verse-by-verse,
precept upon precept approach to God’s Word.
Our mission, and vision is to proclaim the only true and living hope
that is found in Christ Jesus.
We believe and teach that there is
only one God, one faith and one Savior.