Click here for directions from your location.
Final Balances are due September 15th. 
See the Vacation Bible School archives here!




Women’s Evening Bible Study | April 3rd

Ladies, we hope you can join us for study four for Cyndi Ballmaier’s 5-Part Series in Psalm 23 on Monday, April 3rd at 7 PM.  We meet at 975 E. Nerge | Suite N-140 in Roselle, and will also be livestreaming here, on all of our platforms, and on our Refresh Women’s Ministry page HERE. We hope you can join us!

Book of The Quarter-March

Click HERE to download this quarter’s Book!

Fasting & Prayer | March 20-24 | Join us

Please join us this week for Fasting & Prayer. We’ll meet each night at 7 PM to come together in prayer and thanksgiving. To understand why fasting and prayer is important, click HERE.  We hope you can join us. There will be child care on Wednesday night only. 

Men’s Retreat 2023 | Deposits Due 3-12

Gentlemen, we hope you’ll join us for the 2023 Calvary Chapel Men’s Retreat in Williams Bay, Wisconsin.  Deposits are due by this Sunday, March 12th.  Click HERE to visit the event page.


Welcome! Calvary Chapel Elk Grove is a
non-denominational fellowship located
in the northwest suburbs of the Chicago area.
We are a Bible-believing Evangelical fellowship that exists
to bring people into a closer relationship with God.
We believe in a verse-by-verse,
precept upon precept approach to God’s Word.
Our mission, and vision is to proclaim the only true and living hope
that is found in Christ Jesus.
We believe and teach that there is
only one God, one faith and one Savior.