2023 Children’s Christmas Program | Dec 17th

Please join us on Sunday, December 17th at 10:30 AM for our Children’s Christmas Program.
The children will be performing a few of our favorite Christmas songs. We encourage all families to come and attend! Invite your family members! Let them see the light of Jesus shining through the little ones!

2023 Harvest Fest | Tues Oct 31st

Join us for our alternative to Halloween. Invite friends, family, and neighbors! Wear your favorite non-scary costume and come on out for fellowship & fun!
When: Tuesday, October 31st from 5:30-7:30 pm
Where: Jumps ‘n Jiggles Room
Jack A. Claes Pavilion | Elk Grove Park District
1000 Wellington Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007
Click here for more info.

Vacation Bible School | 7-18 to 8-13 | 10:30

Today kicks off our Vacation Bible School on Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM for the next 5 weeks!  It’s an exciting series “Keepers of The Kingdom” as the kids learn about the The Armor of God.  VBS is being held during 2nd Service only.  For questions or to contact our VBS leader, click HERE. We encourage your children to bring friends and family!

Mark Your Calendars | VBS 2023

We’re excited for this years’ Vacation Bible School and want your children to be a part of it! We are called to stand strong in the battle for truth as “Keepers of the Kingdom!” Join us for VBS this summer meeting Sundays at 10:30 AM from July 16th through August 13th, we’ll be on a journey studying the armor of God.

Sign-up to help on our website HERE, or see Pastor Frank.


Calvary Harvest Festival | Oct 31st

Join us this year for our annual Harvest Festival!

When:    Monday, October 31st from 5:30-7:30 pm
Where:    Jumps ‘n Jiggles Room
Elk Grove Park District
1000 Wellington Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007

Join us for our alternative to Halloween. Invite friends, family, and neighbors! Wear your favorite non-scary costume and come on out for fellowship & fun!
Read more…

Vacation Bible School | 2022

Calling all kids!  You’re invited to the Calvary Chapel Elk Grove 2022 Vacation Bible School.  

It’s being held Sundays from July 31st thru August 28th during 2nd Service.  VBS is considered an outreach event – so invite your neighbors and their children! For more info click HERE.

Vacation Bible School 2021 | 6/27-7/25

Pastor Frank and Children’s Ministry is excited to announce this years’ Vacation Bible School (VBS) this year. Mystery Island —Tracking Down The True God!  VBS will only be offered at the 10:30 Service.

Calvary Parents Notice | 10-7-20

Parents, as you may have noticed, there have been renovations going on in our building. For those with infants & toddlers, upon arrival please check with Pastor Frank for the location where this ministry will be meeting.

Sunday School will still be offered for the 10:30 AM Service only, until further notice.  Have a blessed week!
